Posted by: Eye Care of La Jolla in Cataracts on August 12, 2024

If you’re considering cataract surgery, you may have heard about the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL), a groundbreaking technology that offers customizable vision after surgery. At Eye Care of La Jolla, we are dedicated to providing you with the latest advancements in eye care, and we are excited to share more about the LAL and how it can benefit you. For the LAL procedure, our sister clinic, Eye Care of San Diego, is fully equipped with the advanced technology and expertise required.

Who Are Ideal Candidates for the Light Adjustable Lens?

The Light Adjustable Lens is perfect for individuals who: 

  • Are planning to undergo cataract surgery. 
  • Desire more precise vision correction tailored to their lifestyle and visual needs. 
  • Wish to have the flexibility to adjust their vision after surgery.

If you value customization and optimal visual outcomes, the LAL might be the right choice for you.

How Does the Light Adjustable Lens Work? 

The LAL is unique because it allows for adjustments to your vision after it has been implanted. Here’s a simple breakdown of how it works: 

  • Cataract Removal and Lens Implantation: During cataract surgery, your cloudy lens is removed, and the LAL is implanted in your eye. 
  • Initial Healing Period: You’ll go through a standard healing period where your eye adapts to the new lens. 
  • Vision Adjustment: After your eye has healed, you’ll visit our sister clinic, Eye Care of San Diego, where specialized UV light treatments are used to adjust the lens. These adjustments fine-tune your vision, ensuring the best possible outcome. 
  • Lock-In Procedure: Once you’re happy with your vision, the adjustments are locked in, making the changes permanent.
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The LAL vs. Other Cataract Lens Options 

While there are several types of intraocular lenses (IOLs) available, the LAL stands out due to its adjustable nature: 

  • Standard IOLs: These lenses have a fixed focus, providing either near, intermediate or distance vision but not the ability to adjust post-surgery. 
  • Multifocal IOLs: These lenses offer multiple focus points, allowing for a range of vision but may come with compromises such as glare or halos. 
  • LAL: Unlike the others, the LAL allows for post-surgery adjustments, giving you the unique advantage of tailoring your vision precisely to your needs after the lens has been implanted. 

At Eye Care of La Jolla, we strive to offer the best for our patients. For the Light Adjustable Lens procedure, you’ll be referred to our sister clinic, Eye Care of San Diego. Here’s why: 

  • Expertise: Eye Care of San Diego has extensive experience and specialized knowledge in performing LAL adjustments. 
  • Advanced Technology: They are equipped with the latest technology required to ensure the precise adjustments needed for the LAL. 
  • Comprehensive Care: Eye Care of San Diego provide seamless, top-notch care from your initial consultation to your final vision adjustment. 

Are you ready to explore the benefits of the Light Adjustable Lens? Schedule an eye evaluation at Eye Care of La Jolla today. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you receive the best possible care. 

Call us at (858) 457-3050 to book your appointment and take the first step towards a clearer, more precise vision! 

Discover how the Light Adjustable Lens can transform your vision and enhance your quality of life. We look forward to helping you achieve the visual freedom you deserve.